Month: August 2011

Earthquake Moment -Definition

My Law of Attraction Definitions: “Earthquake Moment” This is the time in your life when it feels like EVERYTHING is falling apart. Where it goes from bad to worse. Where you think “how can this be happening to me!! I’m

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The Yellow Brick Road: My Dream Come True

Yellow Brick Road… I LOVE having breakthroughs and epiphanies. As a general rule I have been trying to teach myself to live in awareness and be mindful of them, so as it turns out I tend to have them with

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Big Picture -Definition

My Law of Attraction Definition of Big Picture: Throughout my blog you will hear me refer to focusing on The Big Picture or Your Big Picture dream. This is one of the core concepts in my version of The Law

Easy Steps to a Successful Future Board

My Personal Future Board Future Board: This is a literal board (mine is a cork board about 3 feet by 2 feet that I picked up at an office supply store) with pictures of the life you want. Step 1:

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The Law of Attraction: vs The HBR Method

Kim Kardashian So I’ve realized lately that my definition of the Law of Attraction or at least my view of it, is somewhat different than the others you will find larking on the web. If you Google the phrase you

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My Pledge

This blog started out, and has always been about my personal journey. It began as an anonymous outlet for my feelings, the good, bad and ugly. It’s role in my life was the one place I could come to say

One of Those Days

I’m not perfect by a MILLION miles. I’m flawed to the core. Like, no joke! But I mean well. I have a good heart and I try harder than anyone I know has tried for me. I fight hard. But

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