Happy New Year! Make a Life Plan for 2013.

Happy 2013~!~~

Tonight is New Years Eve, it’s the perfect day of the
year to map out what you want your life to look like. Instead of making
resolutions (which often focus on what NOT to do), make a life plan. 

Tonight write you 2013 Life Plan:
1. Sit down and imagine (without limits) what
you want to accomplish in 2013.  What you
want your life to look like at this time next year. List it all out, everything
you can think of, in each category of your life (physical, career, personal, financial).
2. Then spend some time on each item, really imagining what that
moment will feel like when it comes into your life.  

 3.  Make a vision board to reflect your list.  Put it up where you can see it every day.  

4.  Vow to use the tools you are learning
(and can find on my blog) to put into practice this new life. Do the work every
In a year from now, I can promise you that you will have a more
fulfilled life.  One that is grounded in
gratitude, awareness, hope and moments that surprise and amaze you.
Here’s to creating the your best year to date… let’s make 2013 EPIC!
Side Note:

Remember; your
current financial state WILL NOT STOP YOU from realizing your dream
life. That’s the biggest
lesson that my life has proven, to not just me, but hopefully to anyone
hears my story. I’ve always been a struggling single mom, but it’s not
held me
back from experiencing a life, and moments that no amount of money could
purchase. That’s a very powerful thing.

So the first step, in realizing your dream life, is
to stop focusing on what you don’t have, and don’t want, and start focusing on what you do want. Put ALL your
energy in that direction. Then do the steps to using the LOA.
Anything is possible!!!


Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream.

Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat | Pinterest | YouTube |Periscope @sarahcentrella

Author | Life Coach | Motivational Speaker and single mama. I'm a chick on a mission to prove anything is possible for ANYONE. My story featured in the New York Times, Steve Harvey Show and NBC.

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