Category: Health & Fitness

This is What I Miss… Your Reason to be Grateful

I’m about to give you something to be grateful for, that you have probably taken advantage of your entire life. I know I did. Your sense of smell and ability to taste. In February of this year I had one

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New Year, New Habits: How to Set Achievable Goals to Insure Success

women working out

The start of a new year is the perfect time to create new habits and set achievable goals to insure long term success.  I’m a firm believer that to do anything, you need to have a clear, compelling end goal

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A Letter to My Daughters on Turning Forty

A letter to my daughters on turning forty

My Darling Daughters, Right now, you are nine-years old (well, almost ten) and your skin is porcelain, smooth and glowing. In summer, it turns this fantastic shade of deep golden brown, when it’s been kissed by the sun (even when

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6 Steps to Getting Out of a Funk

This is a follow-up to my last post: Postpartum of a Dream.  Writing that post helped me to process so much of what I’d been avoiding for the past year, and helped start my journey back to where I need

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How I lost 20 lbs in 8 Weeks!

How I used the #HBRMethod to loose 20 lbs in 8 weeks! I’ve struggled with my weight all my life. I remember being eleven years old working out in my room to videos of Jane Fonda.  She’d be wearing this

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Choose Beautiful.

I don’t remember ever hearing the words “you’re beautiful” when I was growing up. I remember criticism about my weight, or my chubby cheeks, or my mother telling me to never cut my hair because it was my “saving grace.”

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Kicking Cancer.

Lately I’ve been thinking about cancer. I’m not exactly sure why, other than it seems to be popping up everywhere, it being Breast Cancer Awareness month and all. Or maybe because I know I’m overdue for my annual exam and

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Marathon Life: Marathon Training Week 14 & 15.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I bet you thought I quit right???? No such luck my friend! I’m still at it, though I did take week 12 & 13 off after running the Helvetia Half marathon. But in my defense

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