The Law of Attraction is for Christians too.

*I wanted to share this letter (with permission), because I think it does such a great job of touching on the topic of the role that God, and or religion can play in using Hustle.Believe.Receive.  I think traditionally Christians have discounted the Law of Attraction or The Secret because of it’s focus on The Universe and materialism.  I don’t focus on either of those things, and I feel that faith and belief is spiritual at it’s core no matter what. I think that HBR works so well for me because it allows me to believe and have faith without religion, but it works just as well with it. I’ve gotten many questions on this over time, and I think that Mariah does a great job talking about how they coexist and work together. 

Dear Sarah,

I appreciate the opportunity to share with you what an amazing difference you have made in my life since reconnecting with you. The Lord has no doubt gifted you with amazing abilities to encourage, lead, support, strengthen, coach, and reconnect people with their God given ability to dream.


I am sad to say that as a Christian it had been far too easy to become like the children of Israel and quickly forget the miracles God had performed in my life. Sometimes it felt as if I constantly bounced from one trial to another without a reprieve.   I may have seen God working in our lives during our struggles but all too quickly forgot how He brought us through the last struggle as we faced the new one.


Sometimes, when life got so overwhelming or the next hurdle came along I would immediately cry out to God forgetting the miracles He just completed in my life. You helped change that mindset and focus. Even as a Christian when life beats you up sometimes you forget to dream and you forget to focus on the amazing bounty of grapes God has set before you.   It had been a long time since I had really dreamed. Being a responsible wife and mother didn’t seem to coincide with the luxury of “dreaming” I didn’t feel I had those luxuries. I had to stay focused and determined. Unfortunately, I stayed focused and determined on the wrong aspects of life. You helped change my mindset and got me to dream again, to dream of the possibilities, to dream of all the amazing things God could do and desired to do in my life.
The freedom just to dream brought amazing freedom and growth in my faith. God doesn’t want us captive to our own thoughts or feelings of despair. He calls us to a life of prosperity and fullness in Him. To me a vision board is not about “stuff” but about a lifestyle and a life in Christ that He desires for me to have. Planning and dreaming offers a life that frees me from the captivity of lies and self pity that the devil is selling.


God is so amazing and I am so thankful to Him every day for your willing, kind, giving, tender heart, and gentle spirit that He has blessed you with. Thank you for your generosity and for your mission to make a difference in the lives of everyone you can


With love,

*Meriah Mathews is the author of the blog Godly Girl Power.



Click HERE to pre-order my book #HustleBelieveReceive which gives my 8 steps to success to changing your life and living your dream. Not all “law of attraction” teaching works, in fact most don’t.  But over the last 5 years I’ve learned what does and how to quickly and easily apply it to get fast, life changing results. Learn more about my #HBRMethod for success.

Author | Life Coach | Motivational Speaker and single mama. I'm a chick on a mission to prove anything is possible for ANYONE. My story featured in the New York Times, Steve Harvey Show and NBC.

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