Tag: Gratitude

This is What I Miss… Your Reason to be Grateful

I’m about to give you something to be grateful for, that you have probably taken advantage of your entire life. I know I did. Your sense of smell and ability to taste. In February of this year I had one

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Self-Help Needs Less Talk and More Action

  My brand of “self-help” is much more; do what I DO, not just what I SAY. I believe in less talk, and a LOT more action. If you’ve followed me for years, then you already know that I am all about

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Today I will…

  “Today is the perfect day because it’s mine to do as I please. Today I will do my favorite things. Today I wake feeling rested and energized. I am excited about my life. Today I will flow and breathe

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Christmas Eve…

It’s Christmas Eve, and I’m taking a few minutes to pause in the festivities of the Season to reflect on 2014.  It has truly been an epic year for myself and my family, and I feel so blessed to have

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Get Grateful

Gratitude is everything.  Seriously.  It’s the foundation to our happiness and that catalyst for our success.  If you haven’t learned to be honest-to-god grateful for your life exactly the way it is at this moment, than no matter what blessings

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How I Landed a Book Deal!

*The hashtags in this post are the 15 Steps of the #HBRMethod to successfully changing your life and living your dream as defined in my book #HustleBelieveReceive     For the past four years I have been writing, and writing,

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Beach Life… Enjoy the Moment.

I’m exhausted, crawling into bed before my big Marathon Life 15 mile training run tomorrow morning.  And although I’m tired from spending the past two days at the beach with the kids on our little mini vacation, I am also

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Easy Guide to Being Grateful.

*The following is an excerpt from my new book Hustle.Believe.Receive. 10 Steps to Changing Your Life and Living Your Dream.”  Coming Soon! STOP BITCHIN’ Why Being Grateful Matters.   Hate your life? Welcome to humanity.  Most of us at one

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