Tag: Comedy

welcome to my sarcastic sense of humor…

Marathon Life. Week 11.

Today I had the best run to date.  My personal best… 9 miles, run at a 13.3 pace, 4.5 miles up a hill and 4.5 down. And for the first time I had no stopping, and  no walking.  Just non-stop

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Fear of Falling.

I have an intense fear of heights, as manifest by my complete breakdown and total panic attack last week attempting to take a flying trapeze class with my girlfriends.  I knew the minute I got the group text from my

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Yeah, That Just Happened.

Yeah, THAT just happened. As a single mom I’ve gotta say, most of the time I feel like I’m teetering on the edge of insanity.  I’ve always got five million balls in the air and if this was juggling, then

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Who Said You Should Never Drunk-Dial???

Oh right, I did. Well you should know better than to listen to me. If you were wondering if I can take  my own dating advise, I’m here to say, nope, sure can’t. ~ This is what happens when you

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Random Conversations with My Trainer….

Just for fun….Random conversations with my Trainer Jerymaine Beasley Texts to setup our first orientation time: Him: can you meet Saturday at 4:30? Me: Sure. Wait, Sat…Oh that’s Oregon football day. 4:30’s after the game, there’s a large possibility I

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Random Conversation with a Customer Service Rep

Just for fun… Random conversation with the Direct TV phone rep, whom I called yesterday, annoyed and in a hurry trying to cancel my service. Me: Um yes I’d like to cancel my service, please. Him: OK can I get

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Awesome Things My Kids Say.

In the category “Random Awesomeness” comes some random conversations that I just love with my kidos. Mira and Izzy are identical twin girls and are 4 years old. Kanen is my very mature 8 year old son. ~Kanen while shopping

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A Little About Me…

.. -I’m a mama first, everything else second. -If there’s music playing I find it impossible not to move my hips…. -I’m a corporate business women by day, a workout queen at lunch, a mama till the kids are happily

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