Ideal Schedule for the Mompreneur Who Works from Home


I’ve worked from home for over five years. Most of that time for an employer, and it’s always been a challenge. It’s hard to stay focused. Hard to juggle your “mom life” with your work responsibilities. Now, as a mompreneur its even more challenging. 

It takes a tole on your social skills, because you’re always home! It takes a tole on your fitness, because you sit all day working from your couch or home office. It kills your swag, because you rarely get dressed or put on make-up. 

It turns you into a workaholic, because the lines between work and home life don’t exist. 

Although there are many positives, it can be a real challenge. Especially for a single mom. 

This year I’m implementing a new routine into my week days to help me keep focus throughout the day, and be more productive. I’ve incorporated the elements that I know I’d let slide over the years, and ones that need to be a regular part of my daily life. 

They say millionaires have a unique mindset, and some of that comes from having a die-hard morning routine. Since I’ve NEVER been a morning person, this has been a major sore spot for me in the past. Welp! This year I’m changing that. Starting with my words. I’m no longer going to say things like; “I’m just not a morning person.” Or “I hate mornings” (which by the way, I still do). But here’s the thing, I know my words predict my actions which predict my outcomes, so where does one start to make the change? With what they think and say. 

As mompreneur’s we all want to be millionaire right? So together let’s put habits and schedules in place that will insure we get the results we deserve for all the hard work we put in! 

Here’s a look at my schedule that hangs by my home office. 


Weekday Accountability Schedule

It’s the daily repetition of tasks that turn them into habits. Life is easy when we are ruled by our habits.

These are the promises I make to myself.

6:00 AM -Wake-up: turn on 30 min daily meditation. Use this time to visualize the day and focus on gratitude.

6:30 AM -Get up/coffee get kids ready for school

8:00 AM -Eat something, set intentions for the day/say mottos

8:30 AM -Check phone, workout

9:30 AM -Shower and DRESS for the day, including full make-up and hair

10:00-12:00 -Sacred Focus Time: Insert your specific daily work tasks (prospecting, making calls, following up, etc)

12:00 Eat lunch and walk the dog

1:00-2:30 Sacred Focus Time –continue above

2:30 –Pick up Kanen (my son), cherish this special hour with just him.

3:30 –Girls come home from school, spend time with them doing an activity

5:00 –Start dinner with the kid’s involvement

6:00 –Sit down to dinner together

8:00 –Family wind-down time

8:30 –Girls bedtime

8:30-9:00 –Clean house

9:00-10:30 –Pour a glass of wine! Write or Read. That’s it.

10:30 –Write in journal, GO TO BED!

What are some of your routines that have helped you be successful? Comment below



Author | Life Coach | Motivational Speaker and single mama. I'm a chick on a mission to prove anything is possible for ANYONE. My story featured in the New York Times, Steve Harvey Show and NBC.

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