Category: Sports

Baltimore Ravens… Manifest That!

Words cant possibly do justice to what just happened. Law of Attraction Manifestation Example right off my future board:  To go see the NFL Baltimore Ravens play a home game, and somehow, some way be able to: A. Meet Michael

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Livin the Dream.. MANIFEST THAT!

I swear I feel most inspired to write when I travel. Maybe it’s because I grew up dirt poor and traveling meant something entirely different. As a kid we’d pile into whatever beat-up old station wagon we had at the time.  My

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Relentless Pursuit & The Hustle.

Hustle.Believe.Receive: Relentless Pursuit and The Hustle. I believe you must Hustle aka work if you want to see results.  You can’t sit back on the sofa with your feet up and drink a beer waiting for Ed McMahon to ring

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The Law of Attraction: vs The HBR Method

Kim Kardashian So I’ve realized lately that my definition of the Law of Attraction or at least my view of it, is somewhat different than the others you will find larking on the web. If you Google the phrase you

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A Gift for My Boy

Kenjon Barner (OR RB); Ed Dickson (Ravens TE) I have a great son. I know, I know all mothers say that (or at least should!) but it’s true I really do. He’s kind; he has a gentle spirit, a good

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