Year: 2009

Who Am I Now?

..   I don’t know who I am, anymore. I mean when you have spent so many years building a life that your comfortable with, and a role for yourself your comfortable with, when that changes; who are you? I

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Mother’s Day

It was mother’s day. I was laying carefully in the hammock under the lilac tree in our back yard, the phone on my tender belly. It had been ringing constantly all morning. Not with Happy Mother’s Day wishes, as my

I Believe In Fate.

I believe in fate. Believe that everything happens for a reason. It’s the reason that has come to intrigue me of late. See, I guess you could say I was on a pretty unlucky streak for a few years. The

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Someday Soon….

I can’t wait for the day when I no longer miss you. When you’re not the first thing I think of when I hit the snooze button. There will be a morning, when on my way to the office as

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The Little Moments

I think it’s easy to get caught up in life. To become overwhelmed by the day to day stress of getting out of bed, brushing your teeth, paying the bills, ingesting nutrition. It’s so easy to let all those things

A Little About Me…

.. -I’m a mama first, everything else second. -If there’s music playing I find it impossible not to move my hips…. -I’m a corporate business women by day, a workout queen at lunch, a mama till the kids are happily

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My Bucket List

  Live in at least one other country (Italy for sure!) Travel the globe… Eat with my fingers on the floor in Morocco Do yoga Bali See a Kangaroo with my kids in Australia Eat pasta in Rome… Drink wine/eat

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1: I think jumping out of a plane is totally insane, but still somehow am drawn to the idea. 2: I give my friends silly nicknames like Cherry and Bitchen (love you!)… 3: I think it’s not too much to

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