Year: 2016

41 Is NOT The New 21

41 is not the new 21

5 reason’s why I’d rather be 41 than 21! Today I turned 41. Kinda hard to believe actually. I’m not exactly sure where the time has gone. Sometimes I feel like I woke up one day and my twenties and

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Single Mom Road Trip Survival Guide

I grew up going on long road trips, when my family would drive from Oregon to California to visit relatives or friends several times a year. Back then we’d all pile into an old beat-up station wagon, pack some sandwiches

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Mentors Changed My Life

My mentors have changed my life. It’s because of their willingness to have truthful, tough love, heart to heart talks with me that I’ve been able to get past my hang-ups and elevate to the next level. Whenever I’ve felt

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Intro to HBR With Sarah Centrella -FREE Course

I’m excited to offer you (for the first time ever) a FREE online 1 hour course: “Intro to HBR.” In this course you will learn the 8 step #HBRMethod plus tips and tools you can start using right now to

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6 Steps to Getting Out of a Funk

This is a follow-up to my last post: Postpartum of a Dream.  Writing that post helped me to process so much of what I’d been avoiding for the past year, and helped start my journey back to where I need

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Postpartum of a Dream

Is it possible to have “postpartum” after the birth of your dream? It sounds crazy I know, but I wonder…. I say this because for the past three months I have not felt like myself, and this got me thinking… Could

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From Future Board to Reality

Have you ever made a “vision board” or a “dream board” but it didn’t seam to work? Or have you always thought they were kinda just bullshit? Or did you make one, but then never actually hang it up where

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