Tag: Earthquake Moments

Hurricane Sandy.. Go Support the Red Cross

Support your local Red Cross I don’t normally post this type of thing, but I’m sitting here watching the coverage of Hurricane Sandy in the north east of the US, and praying for my friends and family. I have so

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Law of Attraction Works! Here’s MORE Proof.

Acrobat Izzy playing in our back yard I hope I’m not beating a dead horse here, but the HBRMethod  (my version of LOA) is some crazy cool shit! I mean seriously. I’ve posted some pretty amazing manifestations before, but this

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Red Cross Documentary Film Project

My little Red Cross poster child About a week or so ago a casting director working with the American Red Cross came across my story Don’t Count Me Out about when our house was flooded last year and the Red

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Be Thankful.

Sometimes the drama of my life just cracks me up. I mean I’ve learned by now that having a good sense of humor when faced with obstacle after obstacle is the only way to not totally lose my mind. You

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Today was a rough day, it was the kinda day when the old me would really, really enjoy a pity-party. When all I wanted to do was sit down, and say I quit! I’m tired of bustin my ass always

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Why Everything Happens for a Reason

So I’ve been talking a lot about having faith the past few months. How that even when we are going through difficult times (financial burdens, job issues, relationship struggles, heartbreak..you name it) we can still stay in a positive vibration

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Give Me Bikram Yoga!

So these last 2 weeks living in the Red Cross hotel, have been very trying. Trying on my kids, trying on my patience and faith. Just plain difficult in every way. It’s now been 2 weeks that we have been

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Living in a Hotel….

 *this is an interactive blog, please leave comments I’ll reply 🙂 thanks!    Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream. Follow on social media: Instagram | Twitter | Snapchat

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