Year: 2011

Radio Talk Show Interview with Coach Bobbi

Here is the Audio Archive of the radio interview I did with. Coach Bobbi Author of the book 12 Steps To Self Empowerment We talk about my story and how I was able to rise above adversity to become the

Surviving Betrayal.

Reader Letter: Husband has left her, and do to the circumstances she rightly feels incredibly deceived and betrayed.  My Thoughts: Betrayal is so deadly to our soul and our physic. It has so much power over us to the point where

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Be Thankful.

Sometimes the drama of my life just cracks me up. I mean I’ve learned by now that having a good sense of humor when faced with obstacle after obstacle is the only way to not totally lose my mind. You

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New York, New York.

New York, New York… God I love New York. I mean I always have, from the first time I came here with my little sister when I was 23 and she was 18. We stayed in a hostile off of Broadway

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I was sitting in the Doctor’s office today, trying to use every technique I know on The Law of Attraction and positive thinking. But I was scared, still am. Dealing with your health and issues that threaten it are no joke. It

Live Radio Interview Recording

I had a radio interview yesterday with Jon Hansen talking about my story. It wound up being a very candid, open, honest discussion about the end of my marriage and what it was like to start over. I talk a


Sometimes the people we love let us down. Like in a big way. Sometimes no matter how hard we want to please them, we wind up failing them. No matter what our intentions are, they are misread… misunderstood. Sometimes there

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Everything Happens for a Reason

*This is an interactive blog please leave your comments and thoughts, I will respond 🙂   Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which teaches you how to apply the #HBRMethod to change your life and live your dream. Follow on
