Year: 2010

Happy New Year!!

I feel so lucky. Honestly! What a year 2010 has been. I’d venture to say it was the best on record for me personally, but the most thrilling thing for me is knowing that the best is yet to come.

Subsidize This!

Sometimes I think I might crack under the pressure. I don’t mean to complain here and I know there are so many women in shoes similar to mine or worse situations, but I don’t know any personally so all I


Family. This word means so many different things to different people. It has no single definition, no right or wrong description. The word family is defined by each of us in different ways. Some may consider only those in their

Are Men Capable of Fidelity?

For real… I’m asking a serious question here because I honestly am not sure they are. Yes, yes women cheat too. I know this. But as a rule, I have more than enough personal proof from the case studies I’ve

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County Fair

AHHH what could possibly spell the thick of summer as well as those words? Growing up, you might say I lived what could be described as a sheltered life (now if there is such a thing as a COLOSSAL understatement

Life’s A Beach!

I love those days when you have an epiphany. Or maybe it’s just one of those rare moments when you are TRULY in the moment. Whatever it was, today was one of those times. A year ago I took my

The Power to Change

Freedom… It’s crazy when you open yourself up, at the ripe old age of 34 (almost 35, but let’s save that for a later, more wine induced blog entry!) to learning new things about yourself, what you will find. Also

I’m Proud Of You

I’m proud of you. I see your efforts, I see your struggles and I’m proud of you. Baby girl… I watch you stand when your legs are weak. I watch you play, under a pile of giggling monkeys. I hear
