Category: Health & Fitness

37 and Counting…

I so need this Birthday Hat! I feel pretty blessed and lucky at this moment.  Today I turned 37 years old. It’s a day I’ve been half dreading the past six months, not really sure why other than it puts

Things You Should Never Do In Hot Yoga

Things you should NEVER do in hot yoga. ~ Get a spray-tan two/three hours before. As evident by the orange outline on my white towel. Oh, and also the rivers of Ump-Lumpa sweat running off my body. Use a “sweat”

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Addiction Gets A Bad Wrap.

Um yeah I was supposed to do this is class Not all addiction is evil. Well let me back track one tiny step and say, mild addiction. Because full-blown addiction is just plain annoying no matter the subject of obsession.

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Six Weeks to a Better Me.

I’ve noticed the past few years that as my birthday approaches I become more and more apprehensive. Growing up, birthdays where never a big deal. We didn’t celebrate them.  I looked forward to them like anyone does but was always

Can Law of Attraction Help Me Lose Weight?

    I have readers write to me all the time asking me if the Law of Attraction can help them lose weight. They might have watched The Secret Movie, or Googled the term Law of Attraction and the idea

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Life is Like Running

God I wish I looked like this running! I went for an amazing run this morning, on the first sunny day we’ve had in Seattle since I moved here and had a thought. The road I ran reminded me so

Greatest Life Lesson.

I watched one of Oprah’s Life Classes recently and was struck by what one of the guest said, and have been pondering it ever sense. But it wasn’t until yesterday that I believed it, and realized how true it really is.  To paraphrase:

Impossible is NOTHING!

Motivation baby #Abs! OK so as you may know I’ve just started working out with my trainer and friend Jerymaine Beasley aka the ANTIDOTE! I’ve basically struggled my whole life with my weight and my mental issues surrounding it, even

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