Category: Relationships

New Years Resolutions Template.

Every year since I was a teenager I have taken the time at the start of a new year to write down my goals and resolutions. They started out pretty basic “get in shape,””drink more water”, that kinda thing… but

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One and Done.

It being a new year and all, I’ve decided to make a promise to myself.  A commitment of sorts. See I’m the type of person who doesn’t let a lot of people get close to me.  But when I finally

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Is There Such Thing as, The ONE?

Is there such thing as THE ONE? I believe in life, we get many chances to love.  The older I get, the less I believe in the idea of one “soul-mate”, or one “love of your life”.  I think that

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Letting Go of The Love of Your Life.

Letting go of the love of your life…   Two years ago I met the love of my life.   It was one of those cosmically aligned moments, when I ran into a stranger in an elevator who changed my life

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Get Out Of My Way.

Get out of my way. I’ve been compared to a bull in a china shop, more than once. This is not something I say with pride. It’s something I say realizing that some how some way, I need to tame

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Long Live Love.

Long live love. I’ve always said, and it’s posted on my wall at work “if you don’t know what you want, how would you recognize it when you’ve got it?”  It’s been more than a motto to me, it’s been

Manifest Love.

  For the past year or so, I’ve not dated. I’ve taken this time to write my book, focus on my career, my children and finding love within and for myself.  It’s been a difficult journey at times, and certainly

Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

Should I stay or should I go now? Lately I’ve been getting a lot of reader letters about what to do if you find yourself in a marriage where one person has made the ultimate sacrifice, and moved to a

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